


In collaboration with :
Austeja Galinyte & Jackson Barcelos

Gotta love Pringles, an American brand of stackable potato-based chips invented by Procter & Gamble (P&G). Often described as one of the best-designed snacks in the market, everything from the parabolic shape of the chips to the tube that they come in stands out from the competition. Finding a new, fun and innovative way to advertise this iconic product was no easy task.

Gotta love Pringles. Often described as one of the best designed snacks in the market, everything from the parabolic shape of the chips, to the tube that they come in stands out from the competition. Finding a new, fun and innovative way to advertise this iconic product was no easy task.

Pringles Advertising Posters


Have you ever tried to get that last chip at the end? How do you do it? Do you tilt it, shake it or get your hand all squeezed up in there? We decided to focus our advertising campaign around this problematic.

After conducting extensive research as a team, we were able to identify different drawbacks or negative feedback received from the brand’s customers. One of the comments that seemed to repetitively come up was the size of the opening on the tube that the chips come in. Have you ever tried to get that last chip at the end? How do you do it? Do you tilt it, shake it, or get your hand all squeezed up in there?

We decided to focus our advertising campaign around this problem and tried to spin it in a way that would change the perception of the situation.

Pringles Billboards


We created the #lastchipchallenge.

A series of dynamic posters exploring the endless possibilities one could imagine to get that famous last chip out of the can.

Who needs hands?

The more imaginative and unexpected, the better.

We created the #lastchipchallenge, a series of dynamic posters exploring the endless possibilities one could imagine to get that famous last chip out of the can.

Who needs hands? Use chopsticks! Tongs! A fishing hook! The more imaginative and unexpected, the better.

The colorway of each poster matches the colour and flavour of each product. Typography was introduced in a subtle way, aiming to represent that sense of excitement when you finally achieve your goal. I got it! The last chip!

Pringles Promotional Poster in the subway


Research and teamwork. These two words perfectly encapsulate the learnings that such a project brought to me as a designer.

Now how about some Pringles?

Research and teamwork. These two words perfectly encapsulate the learnings that such a project brought to me as a designer. It takes a lot more than a great idea to create a truly impactful advertising campaign. Such an idea needs to be the result of extensive research on the brand itself, as well as the market that it lives in.

Even with all the research in the world, crafting compelling messages that resonate with audiences can only be achieved through collaboration. I had the pleasure of working alongside a group of amazing minds that together brought a spectrum of skills, perspectives, and experiences crucial for the execution of this campaign.

Now, how about some Pringles?

Pringles Promotial Poster inside of a grocery store
Social Media Adaptation for Pringles
< spiceitupvisualizesound >


Victor Alvarez Gonzalez