

Marchés Publics de Montréal (MPM)

The MPM aims to bring the Montreal population closer to the producers and retailers from here. Their new line of products happens to be hot sauces, made from locally sourced spices. A brand identity that represented the vibrancy of the city as well as the impactfulness of the products themselves was needed.

The Marchés Publics de Montréal aim to bring the Montreal population closer to the producers and retailers from here. Through their network of public markets, locals get access to fresh products made locally.

One of these local products happens to be hot sauces, made from locally sourced spices. This product line presented a peculiar communication challenge. For this endeavor to be successful, a brand identity that represented the vibrance of the city as well as the impactfulness of the products themselves was needed.


How do you make hot sauce jars fit in with the style and vibrancy of Montreal’s different neighborhood and public markets? By dressing them up for the occasion!

How do you make hot sauce jars fit in with the style and vibrancy of Montreal’s different neighbourhoods and public markets?

By dressing them up for the occasion.

Sauce Pikante, Logo and special characters


The name of the product line leaves it all on the table. There’s no hiding what we are, these sauces are spicy and they’ll let you know. The spelling of the word ‘‘pikante’’ generates intrigue and elevates the name to what would have been a simple description otherwise.

The name of the product line leaves it all on the table. There’s no hiding what we are; these sauces are spicy and they’ll let you know. The spelling of the word ‘‘pikante’’ generates intrigue and elevates the name to what would have been a simple description otherwise.

Since an engaging name is nothing without engaging visuals, custom typography was used to bring it all together. The type is bold, full of life, full of flavour.

But we didn’t get this far just to get this far. Montrealers often walk or take public transport to these public markets. Why not give them a tool to take these home? Why not make this tool interesting enough that it could become a selling point in itself? A folding, traveling case was custom-made, fitting up to three containers at a time. It is light, simple in design and bold in appearance. It’s Montreal! Let’s stand out!

Sauce Très Pikante - Product Line Up
Red Man Holding Sauce
Green Shirt Girl Holding Sauce
Woman in Purple Holding Sauce
Basket Full of Peppers
Carrying Case


The MPM needed an exciting branding and packaging for a line of hot sauces to be sold at local Montreal markets. We took three simple jars and dressed them up to fit right in with the locals. It’s sauce, HOT sauce.

A project can be as simple or as complex as you wish to make it. With Sauce Très Pikante, we sure found that out. What started out as three simple glass jars ended up becoming much more. A lot more.

Exploring the different display positions of a physical object pushed us to design an identity interesting to the eye from all angles. Although it made the production phase more difficult, the result proved its worth.

In addition, the inclusion of the traveling case prompted us to explore a large variety of printing methods and materials through different production partners. In the end, this whole process proved to be a truly enriching and rewarding journey. We took three simple jars and dressed them all the way up to fit right in with the locals.

It’s sauce, HOT sauce.

Local Market Billboard
Local Market Billboard
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Victor Alvarez Gonzalez