

Nils Frahm

An outstanding German musician and composer that goes by the name of Nils Frahm is performing in Montreal. His new album Music for Animals is the focal point of the event. New visuals, including a poster and vinyl need to be created for the occasion. Up for the challenge?


An outstanding German musician and composer who goes by the name of Nils Frahm is performing in Montreal. His new album "Music for Animals" is the focal point of the event. New visuals, including a poster and vinyl, need to be created for the occasion. Up for the challenge?


3 Hot Sauce Jars


Nils Frahm made an album that encourages you to enjoy the music at whatever depth you wish for, only demanding for as much attention as you are willing to give it. Nothing more, nothing less. Depth, Attention, Music, Animals

Visualizing sound is a journey that can guide you in many different directions. In order to stay true to Frahm’s concept for the album, we needed to fully indulge in his approach. Nils Frahm made an album that encourages you to enjoy the music at whatever depth you wish for, only demanding as much attention as you are willing to give it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Depth, Attention, Music, Animals.

Music For Animals, Vynil, Full frontalVynil inside of a record store


A blue being mainly dominated by a set of large eyes, representing, but also demanding attention. The typography conveys a sense of hand craftsmanship that complements the feel of the artwork it stands above. The information is tilted, inviting the viewer to interact with the piece not only visually, but also physically, by slightly tilting their head.

How does one represent the concept of attention in a way that relates to animals while remaining visually striking and intriguing?

It all started with the artwork. A blue figure mainly dominated by a set of large eyes, representing, but also demanding, attention. A series of people at its base, looking up, giving it as much attention as wished. When blown up and tilted, the visual almost looks like an animal, with the set of people looking like teeth.

The typography conveys a sense of hand craftsmanship that complements the feel of the artwork it stands above. The information is tilted, inviting the viewer to interact with the piece not only visually but physically, by slightly tilting their head.

The vinyl itself is a direct adaptation of the different elements of the poster. The cover being an isolated eye, demanding to be seen by yours.

Look at it, stare at it, ignore it. The piece remains, ready to captivate you when needed.

Music For Animals Poster


From sound, to visuals. Then from digital visual to physical object. Each step presented its own set of challenges that required adaptability.

Adapting to different mediums of communication was a truly enjoyable exercise. From sound to visual. Then from digital visual to physical object. Each step presented its own set of challenges that required adaptability.

From coming up with an initial concept to designing a solution for it, adapting it, printing it, making it. Indulging in such a complete process and solving issues at each different step proved to be a valuable learning opportunity.

Social Media Adaptation
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Victor Alvarez Gonzalez